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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Paleo Energy Bars

Today I have a simple recipe for Paleo energy bars. These are wonderful as a snack on the go, for the office or energizer before sports. In the refrigerator, the Paleo energy bars at least 2 weeks are durable. When choosing the ingredients I let free choice with respect to the nuts and the dried fruit you. Just choose what you like best, but make sure that you buy untreated nuts. The favorites at my nut choice due to their healthy properties:


They contain up to 75% unsaturated fatty acids that help prevent cardiovascular diseases. They contain zinc, which strengthens the skin and hair. They contain B vitamins and vitamin C.

You are a supplier of magnesium, phosphorus and iron, thus strengthening the muscle building, the construction of cell walls and red blood cells.

They are rich in magnesium and calcium, and thus prevent heart disease, lower cholesterol levels and support the muscles. They contain vitamin E, which neutralizes the damaging effect as an antioxidant in the body of free radicals and thus prevents the development of cellular aging and cancer.

They have a high content of vitamin B and vitamin A and are thus wonderfully as Nervennahrung and as an important component in the development of skin and mucous membranes.

Contain many unsaturated fatty acids. Especially the sweet oil of Macadamia nourishes dry skin and activates the skin's natural regeneration.
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1 cup nuts of your choice
1 cup dried fruit of your choice
1 cup or 12-15 dried dates (pitted)


1. Preheat the oven to 175 ° C. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the nuts on it. Look for the roasted flavor nuts for 10-12 minutes in the oven, so that they are golden brown. Let the nuts cool before further processing.
Blank 2. Add the nuts, dried fruits and dates in the food processor and pulse for a few minutes until the ingredients form a ball.
3. Arrange the mass as a rectangle and ask for at least an hour in the refrigerator.
4. Now the mass cut into 8 bars.
5. The Paleo energy bars can be kept in a Tupperware container for 2 weeks in the refrigerator.


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