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Friday, January 22, 2016

Paleo egg salad

This egg salad accompanied me through my childhood - I had to change it only in tiny details, already he is Paleo. There used to him with bread, today I am happy if I can spoon so it easily. Mostly goes so much für's Try it, it only provides half the recipe on the table in the preparation. The egg salad course fits perfectly with our various Paleo breads. A few radishes and a good "clean" salami from the butcher of your trust, even the Paleo snack is perfect.

Egg Salad

Serves 2 // active: 15 minutes // Total: 15 minutes


5 eggs
2 tablespoons avocado cubes
1 tablespoon mustard
1 handful of chives
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 pinch (es) salt
1 tablespoon olive oil


Boil hard eggs 8 minutes. Then rinse with cold water.
Cut eggs into small pieces and crush with a fork together with the avocado.
Mustard, oil and lemon juice to give.
Chives chop and add to the egg salad.
Season with salt.

Our tip

The eggs do not enter into the boiling water, but let warm from the outset with the pot. So reducing the risk that the shell bursts. The stop 8 minutes from the date on which the water begins to boil.

The egg salad is just great: Quickly prepared, keeps sick long, is good to take home to the office - and of course super healthy.

You want at the Paleo reduce carbohydrate diet? Then helps our low carb cookbook with 40 recipes that require almost no carbohydrates. Good for losing weight and for the ketogenic diet. Including diet plan, grocery list and carbohydrate table.


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