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Monday, January 25, 2016

Paleo Porridge Recipe

Breakfast is the meal of the day that worries most of the "new paleo". If you have breakfast toast throughout your life, a bowl of cereal with milk, cookies or pastries, the idea to start eating gluten or dairy you can break some schemes. When you need inspiration Breakfast paleo on Internet, you usually find rich bacon & egg dishes, salads and small portions of leftovers from the previous day. Like us either we start the day with meat and salad (because it looks like you're running), and scrambled eggs with salmon's booked for the weekend, Monday to Friday we use rich breakfast, rather sweet and all quick and easy to do.

Before explaining how we do our Paleo Porridge  I would note that the recipe is 100% fitsters. There are a lot of different recipes on the Internet and after trying a few, we decided to take a little here, a little further and develop our own recipe with everything we like.
With all due respect for the authentic porridge of English ("porridge" in our language), when you taste this nutritious paleo porridge will not want to know anything about the milk with water and oatmeal.

Ingredients (for 2 people):
-1 Teaspoon of peanut butter (or almond)
-6 Eggs
-2 Ripe bananas
-75 Ml. coconut milk (1/2 cup as photo)
-3 Tablespoons ground nuts (cashews, walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts)
-1 Teaspoon cinnamon
-1 Handful of raspberries or blueberries


Heat the peanut butter in a skillet over medium heat. Meanwhile, beat the eggs in a bowl, add the coconut milk and crushed two bananas and pour the entire mixture into the pan. Sprinkle the crushed nuts and cinnamon over the entire mixture and stir to prevent sticking. If you cook on low heat for about 15 minutes, you give time for the flavors to blend and bananas will have a softer texture.

As no need to be worshiping the porridge as he takes shape, you can use this valuable time for anything, either finish fix, prepare Tupperware food for the day or watch the news.
Another tip to save time and do not give you too lazy to make breakfast like this, is to devote a half an hour a month to grind nuts (you can also add flaxseed and sunflower seeds) and store the mixture in a glass jar . You will not have to use the blender to grind nuts every morning and within minutes you will have your breakfast ready.

Ah! To enhance the experience, do not forget to spread a handful of raspberries or blueberries over porridge.


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